Month: March 2014

Even More Artwork

Even More Artwork

Not pastel! This is suppose to be Harmony fighting one of her enmy. She does that a lot, unfortunetly. Does anyone else like my vines? I do! They were problably the most fun to draw, and turned out the best. The grass makes everything look the same though. I hate drawing Harmony in her fighting clothes because the get all torn up, and that’s diffcult to draw.Harmony's-BattleCrop



My birthday was Monday, but Azure and Jasmine’s presents didn’t arrive until yesterday. Thanks to both of them, I really love what they got me and I know I’m a bit diffcult to get presents for.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today’s my birthday. I turned thirteen today. It’s not really that exciting, in fact, I can almost forget it was my birthday. Well, not really, but it really isn’t that intresting. I just thought I’d let my nonexsist readers know. (If I do have readers than I apolgize, but I’m pretty sure it’s safe to assume I don’t.)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa