Month: November 2014

Thanksgiving Vacation!

Thanksgiving Vacation!

It’s Thanksgiving Vacation! YES!!! Anther nice thing I’ve noticed about Thanksgiving Vacation is even when you are at school that week the teachers are generally giving easier work. Nice, isn’t it?
Besides the picture Fira’s Garden I haven’t been doing a lot of drawing lately, and what I have done is all doodling character designs. Maybe I’ll have a hit of inspiration soon.

Cake for Last Competition

Cake for Last Competition

Alice in Wonderland Cake

My marching band didn’t do so well at our last competition. It was really cold and neither our bodies or instruments are working right. To celebrate the fact that it was a good season despite our last competition I decorate a cake. It doesn’t look amazing, but it is an early project. Marching Band is over, or would be if it wasn’t for play-offs (Go School!, even though I hate football. This is our first time in play-offs.)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa