Month: April 2015

Weekend Trip

Weekend Trip

Me and my family are visiting relatives this weekend,  which is rare because most of the ones on my Mom’s side live in Canada, but some of my Dad’s live in Ohio. We’re staying with my grandparents, and I’m at their place right now.  We spent a lot of time on the road, but we did stop by Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Seriously, that place is amazing. We got some nice pictures too.
This first one is not alive. I don’t know if it’s stuffed, or a replica, or what, but it was not alive. It’s a husky or a wolf, I’m sorry for not being very sure about anything…image
This second one is an alive fox. They had a place full of different alive animals, and this one of the ones I really liked.image
This is dead. Obviously. Long dead. It’s a skeleton. As I said, long dead. Sorry for the picture being upside down.image

Spring Break

Spring Break

I’ve been on Spring Break since Monday. Really it hasn’t been that interesting, excpecially since due to brain deadness I haven’t been able to write. Not being able to write is a major problem to me because I get cranky and stressed when I can’t write.
Still the weather has been nice, if a bit wet today. Here’s a picture of how the sky looked today:
The sky on April 2

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Cape Town, South Africa