Month: August 2016

The Week Before School

The Week Before School

I forgot to post yesterday, so I’m doing it today!
Anyway, school starts for me Wednesday, so I’ll be even busier then, but for now, I’m going to enjoy my last few days of summer. Well, I still have marching band, but just marching band isn’t as bad as marching band and school.
Anyway, we had our first football game last Friday night. It wasn’t a bad performance, but the heat was sweltering, and there was lightening (on top of me getting kinda sick) so it wasn’t exactly a great day, but I do my best to make the best of it. At least we had water in the stands, so we could stay hydrated.
I also made some cookies Friday, and some cupcakes yesterday! I really adore cooking. It’s so fun!! Anyway, I brought the cookies to give to the rest of the marching band and they were really appreciated.
My Uncle Ed and Aunt Karen visited last week as well, so I got to spend some quality time with them. They’re pretty interesting people, and I enjoy listening to them talk.

This Week

This Week

I’ve been wanting to post on my blog more, but it’s hard to find the time, between marching band and school starting soon, and all my projects, I’m pretty busy. I’m going to try to post about my week on Sundays at least, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up (after all, if I haven’t been keep up as well as I should with Cat and Wolf, the story I’m publishing on Deviantart) but I’m going to try.
Anyway, as for this week I’ve spent most of it on either marching band or sick, so I haven’t done that much this week. Most of it has been trying to get well again.

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Cape Town, South Africa