Spring Break

Spring Break! So, the most basic summary of Spring Break for me:
Friday after school: Collapse
Saturday: Tried to work, but instead got distracted by stories online
Sunday: Actually manages to work
Monday: Works
Tuesday: Lori came home from her mission! Also, I burned a cake.
Wednesday: Spends time with Lori
Thursday and Friday: Cleans and organized house with Lori
Saturday and Sunday: Last minute panic finishing projects
What projects and work? Well, first of all music and dance practice. Then I hand sewed a skirt (I messed up on it though). I also made two videos myself, helped Lori and Jacob make another. IMG_20170402_1444324_rewind
I finished writing Cat and Wolf. And drew a picture of the characters from it as they would be within the Harry Potter world.Cat-and-Wolf-Hogsworth-AU And another picture.Demons-Within-the-Mind
And I finally got around to finishing a bracelet I started nearly a year ago.IMG_20170402_2029031_rewind

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