Much More Artwork

I finished two colored pencil artworks last weekend, them three pastels this morning. It’s Christmas break, so I have plenty of time. Also as an early Christmas present one of my sisters got blending chalks, which she gave to me because it was basically the chalk pastels I really liked.
This first picture I have is entitled Masquerade. It was based off of a picture my older sister Azure had done. The idea of Masquerade is the idea of wearing a costume that represents something about you with out actually being you. The girl talking to the cat is me, and scattered about the room are my various characters. The idea for my dress came from the fact that I never can understand myself, because as soon as I rip off one layer of me theres always one underneath. The bottom layer is white the color of purity and victory.


Ihe next picture is entitled Come Fly With Me. This was based off of a doodle out of my doodle notebook. There pictured is Dreamer and Harold, my two lovers from Dreamer’s Story. Well, two main lovers. I have lots more couples. Hey, I like romance novels. Possibly because I still believe in true love. People who believe in that are become hard to come by these days. They either think it doesn’t exists, or it’s magic, and it isn’t either, but I’m off topic. Anyway that picture is of them flying on Dreamer’s pegasus Lyric through the sky. That was a lot of indigo blue to make it.
Come Fly With Me
Come Fly With Me

This next one is of an angel in the demon’s cave, because that’s it’s title. I really don’t have anything to say about it.
Angel in the Demon's Cave
Angel in the Demon’s Cave

This one if of a girl by a tree. The title if Found You, which doesn’t seem to make sense but it was inspired by a manga… anyway the girl actually found a spirit by the tree.
Found You
Found You

This last one is actually somewhat religious. I should state right now I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Have always been one and always will. There is this one bit in the Book of Mormon that is called the tree of life about people pressing through the darkness to the Tree of Life despite people pointing and laughing at them. If you look very closely you can see the people pointing.
Rendition of the Tree Of Life
Rendition of the Tree Of Life

Posted in Art

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