
Dreams are strange things. You can end up walking on air, flying to school, or breathing underwater, and even if you know this is impossible somehow you can’t convince your dreams of this. Weirder yet is when characters from various media invades them, or when your family friend turns into your cousin. Then you act like a jerk during your dream-and then you realize it’s totally in character. That’s scary. Usually the dreams I remember are just weird-like fighting spies then turning out to be adopted-or swimming an lake just to play ping-pong with my marching band (I’m a terrible swimmer, though I’m not to bad at ping-pong, and I’m not even sure how much my band at large likes ping-pong) but when it’s weird, but in character…now that’s just freaky. It also probably it means it’s in my character to be weird. Not like I didn’t already know that.

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