
Sorry for not posting last week. I’ve been struggling with some conflicting emotions. Honestly, I mostly just burry myself into my work and ignore them, but they’re becoming harder to ignore. I’m not good at facing my feelings, but I’m starting to have to. It’s a frustrating challenge.
I do like challenges though.
I did have a marching band competition. It went really well. We got a 57 overall, and placed second in our division. It was fun. It got cold near the end, but I’m less bothered by the cold than most of the others in our band (My mom’s Canadian, so she freaks out less about the weather here, so I’ve gotten more chances to build up an immunity). It was nice to have some time to spend with my friends being silly, especially since most of this week has been homework, extracurriculars and studying. (I actually did study while we were watching the other bands preform).

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