Month: September 2015

Fredrick Chibi

Fredrick Chibi

005b3622-9960-4fb0-b556-7bda55859d4eThis is Harmony’s love interest! He’s a policeman.
Also, my marching band had a competion yesterday… and won! We were going against one other band in our class (we’re a one A band, the smallest size because we only have 28 people, including guard) and we were a bit tense because they won the first two “best” trophies, but then we won the next three best trophies and won. (We got best music, best visual effect, and best general effect) Still, all the proformances I saw from every other band was amazing. All in all it was really fun, of a bit chilly.

New Challenge

New Challenge

Oh my goodness! I posted to Devinart yesterday, but not here! Anyway I started this because I haven’t had as much time to do art with marching band, but I don’t want to slack off, so I decided to take up a monthlong challenge. Every day I’m going to draw one of my characters in chibi form. So here we go.
This is Fira. She may very well be my oldest surviving characters being about four to five years old since I wrote her original story. I never finished her story, instead I rewrote all the characters into a Cinderella retelling.resized_JPEG_1441106027438_-786477605
Then my one for today is Lavina. I choose Lavina because I started her story the same summer I worked on Fira’s. This actually turned out remarkably well. So here’s my cheerful little princess.
Now I’m going to tell you a bit of a story. Last Sunday I was digging around in the bag I always take with me to church when I pulled out this:IMG_20150830_181119 When I was out swimming with my friends, before we left to the pool, one of my friends had been throwing them, then he had handed me one and I had slipped it into my bag. I had slipped it into my bag, I don’t entirely know why, but seeing it there made me really happy.

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Cape Town, South Africa