Category: Art

Fredrick Chibi

Fredrick Chibi

005b3622-9960-4fb0-b556-7bda55859d4eThis is Harmony’s love interest! He’s a policeman.
Also, my marching band had a competion yesterday… and won! We were going against one other band in our class (we’re a one A band, the smallest size because we only have 28 people, including guard) and we were a bit tense because they won the first two “best” trophies, but then we won the next three best trophies and won. (We got best music, best visual effect, and best general effect) Still, all the proformances I saw from every other band was amazing. All in all it was really fun, of a bit chilly.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa