Category: Uncategorized

Just A Thought…

Just A Thought…

Today’s Tip: If you don’t have room for a junk drawer, then you could consider a junk tray. Basically same concept, except a tray is 1. Smaller 2. More decorative and 3. Small enough to make sure you clean it out regularly (Well, at least that’s the plan. I know some people who’d never clean it out ever even with how small it is).IMG_20150819_072645


So, I’m back to being in mostly my normal schedule. I’m a bit tired, but I’m doing fine.
So, today’s tip would be: if your really worried about something, write it in a journal. Writing it down often helps you think it through.

Trying to Go Back To Normal

Trying to Go Back To Normal

Between youth conference and band camp my schedule has really been thrown off and I’m having some trouble adjusting. *shrugs shoulder* I’ll figure it out.
Anyway, today’s tip: If you have long hair store extra hair ties inside stuff like your purse (Or any bag you carry around every day) or/and your car. That way if your going somewhere and you need to fix your hair on the fly, you can. I would also suggest carrying around a comb with the hair ties.

How to Make A Box

How to Make A Box

I’ll tell you a secret: I’m writing this on the fifth and publishing it on the sixth (Or I was supposed to). I’m going to a camp and won’t have time to write a post beforehand. I won’t be able to publish anything on the seventh probably, so I’ll be doing two post on the eight.
So here’s this:
If you want a simple rectangular box without a lid you can cut off the bottom of a cereal box and use that. I suggest you cover it with paper. Mine’s peeling so I’ll have to re-glue it.IMG_20150731_071849

Second Day of Challenge

Second Day of Challenge

Okay, here’s today’s craft! As long as you can do a basic sewing stitch you can do this (You could probably glue it as well, but I haven’t tried) I literally just sewed a cover on a old cookie sheet. I use it as a by the bedside table for the loft. For most places it’s not too useful, but hey, you never know who’ll it’ll inspire. Anyway, here’s some pics of it:IMG_20150803_122049IMG_20150803_122037IMG_20150731_072055

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Cape Town, South Africa