Month: August 2015



It’s fun playing with the keys on a keyboard: !@#$%^^&&&*
Anyway, today’s tip is that glasses cleaner actually works just like CD cleaner and works on CD cleaner. I assume it works vise-versa, but I’ve never owned CD cleaner since glasses cleaner is in aplenty around this house.

Today's Tip is A Craft!

Today's Tip is A Craft!

I’ve always loved organizers, so here’s one I particularly love:
Take a folder, two pieces of paper (i used regular paper, but it’d probably be best to do card stock or construction paper, because the regular paper starts breaking after a while) and dividers. Glue the pieces of paper so the edges of the paper were in the folder so that if you open the folder it has “walls.” Then put the dividers in and volio! An organizer for sorting papers! Not top quality, but it is made out of recycled materials.IMG_20150820_070645IMG_20150820_070656

New Picture

New Picture

I posted this on Devinart, but forgot to post it here. The idea is that while this isn’t my best quality picture, but it’s impressive that I managed to draw that many people. All but one is one of my characters. The one that’s near the center in the red shirt (not the one to the far left, that’s Melody) is supposed to be me, and every one else is one of my characters. These are all major characters from some of my more major stories.
Sometimes when I’m upset my characters talk to me and give me advice, so I kinda drew a symbolic one of me being upset and then I’m surrounded by my characters and some of them are cheering me up, or cheering me on, and some are really just standing there.
So from the top row Lilliona, Devwan, Heather, Dusk, Rosemary, and Rachel, then the one below that we have Dusk, Harmony, Fredrick, (and me) Lavina, Fira and Chelsea, below that we have Melody, me and Maya, then below that we have Kimi and Elina, and below that we have Sol and Zamir. And in the bottom right corner we have Zamir’s bag. It’s a bit hard to tell who’s who if you don’t know the characters very well.

Can Imagination Bring Comfort?
Can Imagination Bring Comfort?

Just A Thought…

Just A Thought…

Today’s Tip: If you don’t have room for a junk drawer, then you could consider a junk tray. Basically same concept, except a tray is 1. Smaller 2. More decorative and 3. Small enough to make sure you clean it out regularly (Well, at least that’s the plan. I know some people who’d never clean it out ever even with how small it is).IMG_20150819_072645


So, I’m back to being in mostly my normal schedule. I’m a bit tired, but I’m doing fine.
So, today’s tip would be: if your really worried about something, write it in a journal. Writing it down often helps you think it through.

Trying to Go Back To Normal

Trying to Go Back To Normal

Between youth conference and band camp my schedule has really been thrown off and I’m having some trouble adjusting. *shrugs shoulder* I’ll figure it out.
Anyway, today’s tip: If you have long hair store extra hair ties inside stuff like your purse (Or any bag you carry around every day) or/and your car. That way if your going somewhere and you need to fix your hair on the fly, you can. I would also suggest carrying around a comb with the hair ties.

A New Day

A New Day

Three days of band camp done, two to go. We added choreography to the show, and I’d say it’s looking pretty spiffy. There’s this one percussion break where we’re doing choreography on counts threes and twos and other weird counts, but it’s coming out pretty nice, and it’ll be some of the coolest things in the show when we get it in time. Anyway, it’s going pretty well. I feel pretty cheerful right now, let’s just hope I can keep that going because goodness knows I need it.
I’m exhausted, but I feel very satisfied.
Okay, onto the tip:
Going with the using pins instead of nails, you can put your pictures (if the right size) into sheet protectors so when you hang them you 1. Aren’t making holes in your pictures, 2. keep them protected and 3. can easily interchange pictures when you feel like your old one isn’t good anymore.IMG_20150813_065938

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Cape Town, South Africa