A Week of Work

After some severe breathing trouble on Tuesday, I ended up going to the doctors and being put on more medication. Luckily, it seems to be working, and my breathing is being much more regular. I’ve been managing do marching band.
Of course, the marching band’s had a rough week in the way of practice. Our band director threw out his back on Tuesday, so our drum major, guard director, and percussion assistant ran Tuesday’s rehearsal, and then on Wednesday our band director’s wife had a baby, which is great news, and a serious congratulations to the both of them except that it does mean Mr. Bush is more tired than usual. Still, I’m happy for him.
Besides, even if Mr. Bush had been there, we were preparing some different songs for our show with the junior high students, so we wouldn’t have been able to get as much practice done anyway.
We had a good Saturday rehearsal. We always rehearse before our competition. We got a lot of work done that day though, and had a solid performance. We didn’t place, but we got a pretty good score, and considering the week that we had, we can’t really blame ourselves too much. Of course, I’m kinda mad at myself for not hitting the circle properly in Movement I, because had had worked really hard on that during practice.
Still, life moves on.
Anyway, for some reason yesterday was just a day of inspiration for me. I came up with a picture idea, which I started on after I got home from the competition (at past 10:00 at night I might add) and then finished this morning, as well as an idea for some cat ears, which I made today while listening to General Conference, and some wire jewelry.
I’ll post the artwork I did when I get it scanned in. There’s another picture I did all the way back in August that also needs scanning.
Anyway, here’s a picture of the cat ear.
I’m really proud of this design. I might add a tutorial when I did the other ones. I’m planning on making myself a second pair in black, and a black pair for Emily and a white one for Rachelle. They take a while to make though, and I still owe Tari a beanie, so I don’t know when I’ll get around to making more pairs.
And this is my wire wrapping work. I really enjoy doing this.
And here’s my attempt at making wire music notes. They aren’t super great, but their first attempts made out of my own imagination and tutorials I found on Pintrest.img_20161002_1808314_rewind

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